New England Area Firearm Examiners 10th Annual Training Seminar
When: Wednesday, September 19, 2007, 8:00 9:00 a.m. Registration
Where : Connecticut State Police Forensic Science Laboratory
278 Colony Street
Meriden, CT 06451
Cost: $35.00 (Includes noon meal and breaks please register early as the catering will be done by the same company as last year). Lunch will be served at the Meriden Crime Lab. We need a close head count for the caterer. Please Make Checks Out To: Robert A. Hathaway Official Receipts will be made out.
Speakers to include:
1. Ron Borgio Smith & Wesson will discuss new product development at Smith & Wesson
2. Kim Stevens Maine State Police Crime Laboratory - is putting together a program on the optical system of comparison microscopes and scopes for guns.
3. Lawrence Pilcher - Rhode Island State Crime Laboratory unusual marks on bullets as a result of porting the barrel.
4. James Stephenson Connecticut State Police Forensic Laboratory and Sgt. Joseph Rainone Waterbury, CT Police Department Cylinder Inserts in .38 Spl. Revolvers.
5. Honorable Barbara Howe Topic Firearms Examiners and the Courts (Daubert)
6. Ken Green SAAMI and the F/A Examiner
7. Pete Diaczuk A New Study on Ricochets
Lodging Information:
Hampton Inn
10 Bee Street
Meriden, CT 06450
1 (800) 426-7866
Sheraton Hotel & Conference Center
275 Research Pkwy
Meriden, CT 06450
(203) 238-2380
Fairfield Inn Wallingford*
100 Chalet Drive
Wallingford, CT 06492
(203) 284-0001
Courtyard by Marriott*
600 Northrop Road
Wallingford, CT 06492
* Wallingford, CT located less than 5 miles from Meriden CT.
For more information or to register Please Contact
Bob Hathaway or Lawrence Pilcher
Rhode Island State Crime Laboratory
(401) 874-2893