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Assorted headstamp questions

Started by Jason Crafton, February 24, 2004, 11:34:12 AM

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Jason Crafton

Hello, I need help in identifying this headstamp.  It was found on a .410 shotshell, red plastic hull, containing a "Brenneke" slug.  If anyone has information I would greatly appreciate it.
Jason Crafton, MO Hwy Patrol

Mitch Rector


That is a Brenneke slug.  I have one in my reference collection.  I can't inform if Brenneke manufacture their own casings or not.
Mitch Rector
Tuscaloosa Police Department
3801 Trevor Phillips Avenue
Tuscaloosa, Alabama  35401

Bob Shem

Hi Jason,

We have a cartridge headstamp guide nested in the Exam Resources tab on the AFTE home page.

Click here for the Headstamp Guide

Perhaps you could request the Webmaster add your headstamp to the list, otherwise we will have our headstamp information scattered all about the web site making it difficult to access.


Edited By bobshem on 1077931223
Robert J. Shem, 4900 Buckingham Way., Anchorage, AK  99503, ph 907 952-2254,

Scott Doyle

Hey Guys and Gals, (I must remain gender neutral)

I'm working on an update to the headstamp section that will use some pretty cool tools.

It will be a php gallery system with mysql database.  Did I loose you?

Anyway you'll be able to upload images directly to various albums in the gallery.  The software will create thumbnails on the fly that can then be labeled.  

It should be pretty neat.  I hope to have it online in the next day or two.

Shane Greene

This headstamp is on a caliber 223 Remington cartridge case.  Through some research, we think the symbol is an Arabic character.  We believe the cartridge case may be made by a company called ADCOM Manufacturing located in Abu Dhabi.  They are a manufacturer of military supplies (including 223 ammunition).  However, no headstamp information for this company could be found.  They do have a website ( but I have not yet been able to access it.  Has anyone seen this before or have any information on who the manufacturer may be?

Shane Greene
Special Agent / Firearms and Tool Mark Examiner
North Carolina State Burearu of Investigation
(919) 662-4509 ext 1358
Special Agent Shane D Greene
Western Regional Laboratory
Firearm and Toolmark Section
NC State Bureau of Investigation
(828) 654-0525

Shane Greene

Big thanks to Christopher R. Bartocci from the Monroe County Department of Public Safety Laboratory in New York for identifying this headstamp! And to Mark Simonson for pointing me to him.

The cartridge is produced by Igman out of Bosnia.  The symbol is actually an "i".  A zoomable picture can be found at for those who are interested.
Special Agent Shane D Greene
Western Regional Laboratory
Firearm and Toolmark Section
NC State Bureau of Investigation
(828) 654-0525

Greg Scala

does anyone have any info on this headstamp?

Christine Murphy
FDLE Orlando Crime Lab

Jamie Becker

NPA:  New Generation Ammunition Pty Ltd, Box 9207, Hennopsmeer 0046 R.S.A.  per the Headstamp Codes on Small Arms Ammuntion Identifying Makers complied by Lew Curtis (AFTE TA) & John Moss
Jamie Becker
Forensic Consultant

Mike Scanlan

I did a web search and came up with two possibilities for the NPA headstamp:  New Generation Ammunition Pty Ltd, Hennopsmeer, RSA and Olympic Industries, Greece.
There were several threads warning of problems with high pressure and failure to eject with some of this ammo.
refer to :
( scroll to Olympic)
( use the search and enter NPA)
Mike Scanlan
USFW National Forensics Lab, Ashland,OR

Lawrence Pilcher

I have looked through my entire headstamp collection and guides, but I cannot ID this headstamp.  Has anyone seen this one?


Alison Quereau

Yes, I just had one of these earlier this week!  :smiley:

According to George Kass's headstamp guide, this is from:
"China North Industries Corp.
Peoples Republic of China

The nunber on the headstamp at 6:00 is a year code (example 91 = 1991).  This headstamp can be found in various boxes.  Known years are 90, 91, 92, 93 and 94."

Alison Quereau
Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office Crime Lab
West Palm Beach, FL

Lawrence Pilcher


Thank you for the quick reply!  I guess I am missing that page in Kass's guide.

Have a good weekend.

Lawrence Pilcher
RI State Crime Lab

Alison Quereau

I can't find this headstamp in my reference lit...It's 7.62 x 39mm, steel case with red lacquer over the whole primer, reminiscent of stuff from China and Russia...I suspect the "80" represents the year made and the "22" represents a government ammunition manufacturing plant, but if anyone has any more specific information I would really appreciate it!
Alison Quereau
Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office Crime Lab
West Palm Beach, FL

David Wright


I have a couple of references that state that 22 is a Romanian code, but not much info. beyond that.

Good Luck,
David Wright
Assistant Director
Johnson County Sheriff's Office Criminalistics Laboratory

Paul Murphy

According to my headstamp reference list on 7.62 x 39 that is indeed a Romanian (lac :police:quered steel loaded with a ball (FMJ) bullet.  There are also a blank with the same headstamp known.
Paul Murphy