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Assorted headstamp questions

Started by Jason Crafton, February 24, 2004, 11:34:12 AM

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Paul Murphy

There was a small glitch in my previous posting - somehow the word lacquered got a little messed up.
Paul Murphy

Garry Lawrence

Good Morning to all.
   I need help (again) with identifying who markets the attached cartridge. I've looked under Georges site and other with no luck. Has anybody seen this one? Incase my attachments do not work, the Headstamp is 9 MM with what looks like a circle just on the outside of the primer.

Garry Lawrence

I just checked and found that the headstamp photo did not show up, so here (I think)  is the headstamp.

George Kass


The case was used by Pretoria Metal Pressings of South Africa. I documented this headstamp in my data base in 1997.

George Kass
Forensic Ammunition Service
George Kass

Garry Lawrence

Thanks George.
        Is it in your current data base? I must have been searching the wrong way if it is. If it is there, what is it listed under?
        Thanks again

Jay M. Stuart

Can anyone else access the "Letters" headstamp guide?  I've had problems over the past couple of days.  I can look at any of the others with no problems.

Jay Stuart
Metro Crime Lab - Albuquerque, NM

Ray Cooper


I just tried and had no problem.  That is after Charles showed me where the headstamp guide was. :-\  That is how long it's been since I went there.
Ray Cooper
834 Cooper Rd.
Dubach, LA.  71235

Michael Ward


Two weeks ago I was unable to enter the Letter section of the headstamp guide.  I emailed Scott and he told me that there was a computer glich.  I emailed Scott this morning and he informed me that he had been working on the issue with the headstamp guide this past weekend.

Michael S. Ward
Forensic Science Division Manager
(Crime Laboratory Director)
FWPD Crime Laboratory

Doug Lancon


I think you can still search it, it just doesn't let you browse like the others.  No idea what would cause that.

What headstamp are you looking for?
Doug Lançon

David Wright

As of five minutes ago, the "Letters" section of the AFTE Headstamp Guide should once again be functional.

If a few folks would be kind enough to give it a try and give me affirmation, it would be much appreciated.

Sorry for the delay, I'll continue to work on getting things cleaned up.

I'm also attempting to link the ammo box submissions to the appropriate headstamps.  You can try out this feature by navigating to the B headstamp album, clicking on the Barrett 50 cal. headstamp and the link "view ammo box" that appears at the end of the narrative.  Please let me know if the link is not functional.

Thanks again to all that have made contributions and I'll keep you updated as changes are made.
David Wright
Assistant Director
Johnson County Sheriff's Office Criminalistics Laboratory

Jay M. Stuart

Thanks for getting the headstamp guide fixed David.

The headstamp i'm interested in looks to be on an 8mm Mauser cartridge oriented as shown:



Jay Stuart
Metro Crime Lab - Albuquerque, NM

Axel Manthei


could there be a F in front of the M.M.A.P.B ?

Then it is Fabrica Militar de Municiones de Armes Portatiles "Borghi" in Argentina

(with compliments of CartWinPro ;) )


Jay M. Stuart


Yes there is in fact an F. in front of the M. 
I appreciate CartWinPro's help in addition to yours. O0

Jay Stuart
Metro Crime Lab - Albuquerque, NM

Garry Lawrence

Can anybody provide me with any infromation on a cartiridge that has a headstamp of 
                   8         R


I know that it is a 380 auto/9mm Kurtz, but can anybody tell me anything else about it?

Thank you

Richard Hitchcox


If the 8 is in the 9 o'clock position and the R is in the 3 o'clock position, that would be consistent with Musgrave (Pty) Limited, Bloemfontein, South Africa.

In CartWinPro there is also a note that says cartridge case made by PMP and loaded by Hirtenberg.

You also might want to post a photo for inclusion in the AFTE Headstamp Gallery, because I didn't see that one in there.

1911 is faster than 911 ~ anonymous