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Assorted headstamp questions

Started by Jason Crafton, February 24, 2004, 11:34:12 AM

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Mandy Lokar

I have two boxes of Norinco ammunition with similar headstamp.  I have included pictures.

Plain silver Norinco box has 71/92 headstamp.

The China Sports box had the 71/91 headstamp.
Back of China Sports box says Made in China by Norinco, Imported by ChinaSports, Ontario, CA 91761 USA

I am assuming that the 92/91/93 is year of manufacture??

Here are some pictures.  Hope it helps!
Mandy L. Bazzanini
Decatur, GA

Joe Rainone

Looking for some help in identifying who markets this cartridge.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Justine Kreso

I believe it is a Bosnian headstamp....I'll double check at let you know.
Justine Kreso
Onondaga County Center for Forensic Sciences
Syracuse, NY


It is IGMAN ZAVOD made in Yugoslav and has been sold by Hansen Cartridge Co.

This info is from Kass.

Justine Kreso

OK, I confirmed with CartWinPro that it is Igman headstamp from Konjic, Bosna i Hercegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina) post Yugoslav break-up (1992).  

The "i" looks a little bit different in other calibers, but it's a ringer for the one you have in the picture.  

I am TRYING to get into the factory for my January trip to BiH, but so far no luck.
Justine Kreso
Onondaga County Center for Forensic Sciences
Syracuse, NY

Richard Hitchcox

The emblem is also in the AFTE Headstamp Gallery.

1911 is faster than 911 ~ anonymous

Joe Rainone

Thank you very much Justine and Kim for your timely assistance.  Thanks Richard.

Justine Kreso

Quote from: Kim Stevens on May 19, 2009, 08:16:49 AM
It is IGMAN ZAVOD made in Yugoslav and has been sold be Hansen Cartridge Co.

This info is from Cass.

I think Cass isn't correct in that.  Igman Zavod was the Yugoslavian company--pre 1991 and they used a totally different headstamp that was in cyrillic--either a backwards N (I in latin)K or an I K (can we put cyrillic letters in this??!).  The company is Unis Igman Konjic now and uses the "i" as a logo.  So, your best bet is just call it an Igman.

I just realized after Richard posted the link to the headstamp gallery that some of those enteries are probably not correct since some are calling Zavod headstamps Igman Konjic that are pre-1992 (i.e. the 86 headstamp).  I guess someone like Axel should confirm, but all the IK entries (I THINK) that should be Igman Zavod (Yugoslavia) if they are pre-1992 and all "i" enteries should be Igman Konjic--no matter what.  I don't think the "i" was used at all prior to BiH becoming it's own country.

Oh, and Joe, just in case you are wondering the 308 headstamp in the gallery is the different kind of "i" I was talking about.  Others (such as 9mm) had the more bubbly square "i" like what you posted a picture of.
Justine Kreso
Onondaga County Center for Forensic Sciences
Syracuse, NY

Richard Hitchcox


First off I would like to say that David Wright has done a great job with the AFTE Headstamp Gallery.  Secondly, I am in the process of double checking and updating some of the entries, and I may have inadvertently made the entries in question myself.  Thank you for pointing this out, and I will look into all of the Igman headstamps.

1911 is faster than 911 ~ anonymous


Looking at the headstamp gallery, it looks like the IK headstamp was or is being used well into the 2000's.  Can't speak as to the squiggle i.
The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of anyone, anywhere, ever - including the author.

Axel Manthei

I have the following information:

Headstamps known between 1957 and 1987
-> Igman Zavod = Igman factory / Yugoslavia    (1929 - 1991)

Headstamps known between 1956 and 2003
- if the headstamp is dated up until 1991: Igman Zavod = Igman factory / Yugoslavia    (1929 - 1991)
- if the headstamp is dated 1991 or later: Igman Konjic (Igman D.D.) / Bosnia-Herzegovina    (1992 - ...)
- 1991 and undated headstamps can be either one.
   Some can be dated but I need to see the headstamp

Small letter i in a ¾ closed circle

I have only encountered them on cartridge in boxes marked with Igman Konjic (Igman D.D.) / Bosnia-Herzegovina    (1992 - ...)

Concerning Unis
They may have dropped the Unis in Unis Igman Konjic meanwhile or it was/is a entity within Igman. The latest catalogues show only Igman D.D. as company name.


2003 catalogue has a paper lable that shows as US importer
TR&Z USA Trading Corp.
Stratford, CT 06615
2499 Main St.
... later Igman International USA shows up at the same location

As far as I remember Hansen Cartridge Company, Southport CT has imported Yugosavian cartridges (Igman and PPU) in the mid 1980's

That is all I have so far.




Cyrillic =
Use WinWord -> "Insert Symbol" -> select ARIAL -> scroll down and insert the letter you want into a WinWord document -> copy and paste in the Post Reply window

;D ;D ;D ;D

Bob Kennington

Quote from: Justine Davis on May 19, 2009, 08:29:16 AM
"...can we put cyrillic letters in this...??!"

Alternately, the following were copied from the Internet and stored in an Outlook Express "Drafts" file. When a letter was needed, the letter could be copied and pasted for use in a document or forum.

If you search "Cyrillic" here, the following might be helpful in the future:

Incomplete, mixed fonts, in no particular ordeя:

Ч Е Н А б Э К С Т И М У П Р Ц Я В Г О Л О Й З а м к ч с ы р г о й о т х к ж ь л у в л я þ Б з п и т н д л е м о р а я Б у ч с ц

A few odds and ends—or when you need Danish:  ;)

♪ ¢ € † ‡  ™ œ Ÿ ¡ § © ª ® ¶ ¹ ºº ¿ ° É  Å å Ø ø Þ æ è é ë ï ñ   Ç ç ü ö ∫ ≈ ≠ ≡ ≤ ≥ • ± —

I never did find the symbol for "grains" (a small "o" with a bar over it—found  on Japanese-manufactured scales).

≡≡8-O   (Symbol for "alarmed")

Hope this is helpful.  :D


Richard Hitchcox

I believe that I have completed making the neccessary updates to the Igman headstamps in the AFTE Headstamp Gallery.  I also added the headstamp that Joe provided in this thread.

I will be looking at the other Yugoslavia and former Yugoslavia headstamps and updating them as neccessary in the near future.

Thanks for all of the information provided.

1911 is faster than 911 ~ anonymous

Richard Hitchcox

I have been going through looking for headstamp related questions in the other forums on the AFTE web site and moving them to this thread.  This is an attempt to get all of the headstamp related posts in a central location to make it easier to determine if there are headstamps that haven't yet made it into the AFTE Headstamp Guide.

Your patience is appreciated, because this is a work in progress.

1911 is faster than 911 ~ anonymous


Turkish headstamp with letters "FS" , TC etc.... TC== Turkiye C(h)umhuriet ( Turkish Republic) and FS is an Abbreviation for "Fisek" referring the the main Cartridge Factory at Kirikkale ( Ankara)...Fisek means "Cartridge." ( earlier Turkish HS with "FI" referred to "Fabrika Iskanderun"...FS can also mean "Fabrika Silah" ( Arms factory). Turkish HS are nothinbg if not inscrutable....

Nothing to do with "Fabrique Solothurn" which is a misnomer, as the Factory at Solothurn (the town) is in a German zone of Switzerland...and does not make small calibre ammo ( Bigger Oerlikon and Hispano cannon shells, yes, SAA, NO. The name is variously rendered as Waffenfabrik Steyr Solothurn, or simply Waffenfabrik Solothurn.

Assuming that every inital in a headstamp refers to a factory etc, is barking up the wrong tree.

regards,Doc AV
AV Ballistics.