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Examination form help!!

Started by Neil M, September 06, 2007, 09:50:21 AM

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Neil M


We are looking to update our examination forms and we are looking for some drawings of cars to use. The car drawing we have is somewhat dated!! A variety of different models/types would be great.  O0



Ed Wessel

Our CSI's have always been able to obtain vehicle diagrams by contacting the dealers in their areas.  As I recall, it seems that the dealers have spec diagrams of the vehicles which gives you the option on differnet models from that auto makers stock.  Our CSI's use these for documenting locations of evidence in a vehicle and it makes a good demonstraive exhibit for court.

Bob Shem

I would suggest the use of a drawing program (like Corel Draw) to make a drawing directly from plan and profile photos of the vehicle in question.
Robert J. Shem, 4900 Buckingham Way., Anchorage, AK  99503, ph 907 952-2254,