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Author Topic: Converted weapon trends  (Read 26549 times)

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Offline Scott Doyle

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Converted weapon trends
« on: June 16, 2004, 10:43:56 PM »
Converted weapon trends started by GST

Posted by: GST on April 03 2002,02:25

I am curious if there are any trends/patterns forming as to the circulation of converted BROCOCK ME38 airweapons.  That is airpistols where the BACS(aircartridge) have been modified to either accept and fire .25" centrefire, .22" rimfire bulleted ammunition, or indeed have been modified so that a .22" bullet is fired through the initiation of an 8mm centrefire blank cartridge.
These types of weapons are becomong more prevelant in Scotland and the UK as a whole, with a lot of publicity being featured around a recent 'POP STAR', who was convicted of possession. (apparently the weapon in this case had been purchased for £1300.00).
Any information on the spread of these weapons would be appreciated.


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