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Author Topic: Does AFTE need this Public Message Board?  (Read 26616 times)

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Offline Scott Doyle

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Does AFTE need this Public Message Board?
« on: June 16, 2004, 10:49:22 PM »
Does AFTE need this Public Message Board? started by jsdoyle

Posted by: jsdoyle on Sep. 04 2002,14:06

The question has been raised as to weather AFTE needs a public message board.  Please cast your vote on the issue and feel free to leave any comments as well.

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Posted by: Warden on Sep. 05 2002,18:33

Keep the board. I'm a field officer, working for an agency that is just recently beginning to use forensics, and this board is a useful source of information.
Posted by: Dr. A M VALLATI on Oct. 18 2002,08:30

Dear  JSD,
The new Format is fine for the Board. As a Guest, I can't vote, but I do support the open Board.
As an Independent ,(and self taught FE,after medical school)
I haven't got the necessary " qualifications" or time to get them to become a Full member of the AFTE, unlike my opponents in court, who are Gov't employees.
I sometimes find some of the "members only" announcements that would be of use in my profession as an independant forensic ballistician, are closed because of this lack of membership.
Is there any way to resolve this impasse?
best regards,
Dr. Astrid Vallati, MD ( and soon to be JD...2003)

PS, I tried to register/log in, and the board came back saying my e-mail is already registered, but won't recognise my "name" or password.


Brisbane, Australia.


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