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.50 Cal Dummy Headstamp ID Question (ME 96)

Started by MCGUnner, September 01, 2008, 08:00:21 PM

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Long time lurker, first time poster.

Excuse me if this has been asked before (or if this is not the correct forum to post in), but I am trying to ID a .50 caliber Dummy round.

As you can see in the photographs the stamp reads:

.50 INERT ME96

I am not an expert but the only company with an "ME" I could find was the German firm Metallwerk Elisenhütte G.m.b.H. - but these rounds do not look like similar products I was able to find produced by them.

Another odd thing is the bluntness of the projectiles.  Can anyone tell me anything about these?  I know they are not rare because we have about 2,000 belted examples at work.  Thanks in advance.

Semper Fidelis


Never mind - I found out where they came from.  :)




Sorry about that...

Manroy Engineering (UK) produced the brass and the marked M-2 links (MFT) were made by the "Metaalwaren Fabriek Tilburg", in Tilburg, the Netherlands.

Semper Fidelis