The Northwest Association of Forensic Scientists is offering a two day supressor class at their fall meeting November 3-7, 2008 in Boise Idaho. Additional information can be found at under Meeting Information.
Insight into Forearm Sound Supression
Day 1 – Phil Dater of GemTech Silencers
This will be a workshop dealing with the history and workings of sound suppression given by Phil Dater, owner operator of GemTech Silencers. It will cover the aspects of silencer construction and technology, including a live fire portion using sound measuring devices.
Day 2 – Dan Alessio, OSP Forensic Scientist
Improvised sound suppressors can be found at crime scenes or submitted to the forensic laboratory. This course will cover principles, techniques and materials commonly used in improvised suppressors. The goal of this course is to help the student gain an understanding of the function of these devices and recognition of homemade suppressor materials..
Due to the proprietary nature of the information covered in this workshop, this class is RESTRICTED TO NWAFS MEMBERS AND/OR LAW ENFORCEMENT ONLY.
Stuart Jacobson
Idaho State Police