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Unknown Glock numbers

Started by Stojan Kostic, July 02, 2009, 08:04:33 AM

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Stojan Kostic

Dear Colleagues,

Recently, our agency seized one Glock 17 pistol, cal. 9 x19 mm. Inside slider, (see accompanying pictures) we have found unknown dot-style character number. Please, can you explain me what this number stands for?

Thank you in advance,

Stojan Kostic

Bill Wheatley


We discussed this in the Glock Armorer course at AFTE Miami. These numbers represent the date of production as well as some other production data. If you contact Glock they will provide you with the date of production. Hope this helps.

(908) 797-6553

Stojan Kostic


Thank you very much for your invaluable information. This data is something completely new for me and my colleagues.

Best regards,

Stojan Kostic