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Author Topic: International Firearms Advisor / mentor needed for new laboratory  (Read 15020 times)

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Offline epbsi

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PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, INC. is recruiting for an emergent opportunity.   Upon award, PBSI is seeking experienced forensic mentors for a newly constructed laboratory overseas.  Candidates will assist in the development of ongoing technical assistance and training programs, as well as provide mentorship to host country laboratory staff. Assignment length is one year with the opportunity to extend for one or more additional years.  Compensation for this assignment is generous. 

This is a managerial position working approximately 40 hours per week Monday through Friday.  Qualified candidates will meet the following criteria:

•Provide technical assistance in the implementation of instrumental examination techniques.
•Provide technical assistance in the implementation of quality assurance programs in support of the firearms and toolmark analysis section.

•Possess an extensive background in a broad scope of forensic firearms and toolmark examination types.
•Have knowledge of internationally accepted methods of forensic firearms and toolmark examination.
•Have experience working in an ISO 17025 accredited institution
• Ability to work closely with laboratory personnel abroad to enhance their knowledge of forensic firearms examinations. 
•Have flexible schedules.
•Ability to work outside the United States in a culturally and ethnically diverse environment. Prior international experience, particularly in developing countries, is desirable, though not required.

•Bachelors degree in a natural science, or related field
•Masters degree in related or business field
•10 years experience as an examiner/analyst in a forensic laboratory.
•3 – 5 years in a management or supervisory capacity
•Ability to communicate in English (level 4 written, level 4 reading comprehension, level 4 speaking)
•Valid U.S. driver’s license and ability to operate a standard transmission 4x4 vehicle (an International Driving Permit for third country nationals)
•Unblemished background
•Excellent health and be able to pass requisite physical, medical and psychological tests appropriate to assigned mission/country
•Valid U.S. passport (except for non – U.S. citizens)
•Negotiating, interpersonal and leadership skills
•The ability and willingness to train other individuals in their area of expertise
•Must pass a nine-panel drug test for THC, Cocaine, PCP (Phencyclidine), Opiates, Methamphetamine, Methadone, Amphetamine, Barbiturates, and Benzodiazepines.

PBSI Forensic Advisors are subcontractors.  They are not employees of any governmental agency they may work with.

PBSI Forensic Advisors are compensated with a salary and living expenses based upon experience and training.

Contact the PBSI if you are a Firearms Examiner who would like the opportunity to help developing democracies establish a forensic examination program based upon international standards.  The PBSI recruiter can be contacted at 


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