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Late February Update

Started by Angel Moses, February 26, 2010, 12:06:55 PM

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Angel Moses

Hi everyone.

I've been busy registering people.  Good sign and glad to see that not all departments have cut training. 

We have had our first workshop fill up.  The Trajectory class Thursday morning is full.  The afternoon still has openings. 

I am still accepting presentation abstracts and will begin working on the technical program schedule next week.  Don't forget about the poster session.  This is a great avenue to show off some odd casework you've run across.  Remember, if it was odd to you, it's probably worth sharing with others. 

I was also informed that the tax rate for the hotel room has increased from 10% to 13%.  Sorry guys, I don't have any influence to change it.

See you in 60 days!!!
Angel Moses

Jill Therriault

Hey Angel,

Not sure if you know the answer to this, or if anyone has any thoughts, please jump in....

Something we here in Miami were wondering regarding poster presentations and Distinguished Membership.  How do poster presentations at this conference rank in obtaining points towards becoming a Distinguished Member?  Full points?  Half points?  None?

thanks in advance!
Jill Terry-o
AFTE Webmistress

New Hampshire State Police Forensic Laboratory
33 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH  03305

Angel Moses


I informed the BOD about the poster session in December.  They also brought this same question up.  I will check with them to see if a decision was made.  My understanding (although these days, it's questionable) is that there will be points issued.

NOTE:  Another workshop is full:

Bullet PP&D (Friday)
Angel Moses