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Use of External Ballistic software

Started by afss, March 14, 2010, 09:17:23 AM

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Hi everyone,

I am wondering, how many of you use External Ballistic software to calculate possible trajectories?
I am using the EB4 and I had very good experience and success with it. Does anyone of you use a similar software?
I would like to hear about it
Thank you,
Talk softly and cary a big gun!

Axel Manthei

EB4 is a pretty good standard software.
Especially with the capability to calucate "backwards" from the target.
I do not now of any software beeing capable of doing it.

We use it



Stojan Kostic


By the way... is it possible to make EB4 running on Window 7 platform? And how?

Axel Manthei

The best is to check here:
You can download a software to test your operating system.



Stojan Kostic

Thank's Alex,

But I already checked with Windows 7 Ultimate RC 64 bit and it didn't work. Any suggestions?