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Having problems with hotel reservations???

Started by Angel Moses, March 31, 2010, 10:35:13 PM

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Angel Moses

I've been getting lots of complaints about making room reservations.

It seems the operators are having some issues.  I suggest trying to make your reservation online and skip the humans.  and use the code  GCIAFTM

It will also give you the $130 rate on Saturday, May 1st. 

The block has been extended until Monday.
Angel Moses

Matthew Clements

Didn't have problems with the operators, but did find that there were no more group rate rooms available for Saturday night (May 1).  I reserved a room at the full rate but was wondering if more group rate rooms were going to be offered so I could switch and get the lower rate.  I'm sure others have experienced the same issue.
Matthew Clements - 100 Sower Boulevard Suite 102 Frankfort, KY

L. M. Kogler

That might have been the initial problem when our training coordinator tried to make a reservation for me -- she initially asked for May 1-7, and was told there were no rooms available. She e-mailed me (& Angel), and I suggested she try the code on the web; I also told her I didn't need the room on Saturday night, so May 2-7 was fine. She was then successful at making the reservation.

Seems weird that they would run out of group rate rooms for Saturday night only.  ???
L. M. Kogler

Jay M. Stuart

Typically, the room block for the nights preceeding and after are lower than during the actual conference week.

For example if the room block for the week is 250 rooms/night, the nights before gradually increase 15/50/100 (Thur/Fir/Sat) and the opposite at the end of the conference.  I'm not sure what block size Angel has set up for Sat, but if enough people are taking the cert test on sunday along with others who want to do the extra things on sunday (motorcycle ride, cowboy shoot) they could be filled.

Hopefully it can be fixed so more people can get the conference rate on Sat.
Jay Stuart
Metro Crime Lab - Albuquerque, NM

L. M. Kogler

L. M. Kogler