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Author Topic: Is there an ontology for small arms projectiles?  (Read 16640 times)

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Offline Brandon Bertolli

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Is there an ontology for small arms projectiles?
« on: June 07, 2010, 04:45:29 AM »
Hi All

I'm doing an MSc in Health Informatics and for my project I'm looking to develop an expert system to assist with the detection of projectiles in live gunshot cases (it will probably have advice on imaging also).

Rather than reinvent the wheel by generating a new classification for these projectiles as seen radiologically, it would make more sense to use an existing ontology if available.
What I am thinking of is the ballistic equivalent of ICD-10 or SNOMED-CT terms. I would like to be able to classify fired and unfired projectiles based on materials, number of fragments seen, profile, symmetry etc.

Does such a thing exist?
Brandon Bertolli, Radiographer, bbertolli(at)


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