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Help ID headstamp -newbe

Started by tfs2403, August 23, 2010, 07:58:05 AM

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Hi all, my first post. I need help with this headstamp. I beleive the cartridge was 7.62x39. Any help is very much appreciated.


Lt. Robb Parthemore
Investigator/Detective Bureau
Perkins Township Police dept

Charles Clow

Axel Manthei

.... and it is very likely not an 7,62x39!
At least it started its career not as one....

We have it seen on a 45 ACP


Ed Love

Welcome to the forum. If you really want an answer, you might try posting a little more information - like a side shot of the cartridge case with a measuring device next to it. A metric/inch ruler will do nicely. :)


ok, a little more info:
It is a 9mm casing. I did not take the photos or have access to it at this time. So the pics are limited to what I have on hand and so far it is just the headstamp pic.
I refered to a 7.62x39 cause we did recover one of those as well, to my knowledge it was the only casing recovered-----Obviously the scene is pretty old and finding these were the "needle in the haystack". I thought of Federal Cart. but isn't the F and C too far apart? This cartridge should have been shot about 7 years ago however I know that has little to do with the actual age of the cartridge.
PS: does anyone know if a high point / stallard 9mm pistol has a distinct firing pin strike? I would be intereted to know that as well.
Lt. Robb Parthemore
Investigator/Detective Bureau
Perkins Township Police dept