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AFTE 2011 Training Seminar Grant Funding Announcement

Started by Brett Sojda, March 19, 2011, 09:40:06 PM

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Brett Sojda

The AFTE Grant Committee is pleased to announce the availability of grant funding to attend the AFTE 2011 Training Seminar in Chicago, IL for 10 individuals who's laboratories have not been able to provide funding or the individual has not been able to attend an AFTE meeting due to lack of funds in the last 3 years.

The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Office of Investigative and Forensic Sciences through an Interagency Agreement with the Law Enforcement Standards Office (OLES) at NIST will be providing funding to cover the cost of travel (POV to/from airport (or taxi), parking, airline tickets, travel to/from hotel, hotel costs and M&IE). The Seminar Registration Fee will not be funded and must be paid by the individual receiving the grant.


•   Applicants must be gainfully employed as a Firearm Examiner or Firearm Examiner Trainee.

•   Applicants are requested to submit a letter from their agency (supervisor) acknowledging support for attendance to the AFTE 2011 Annual Training Seminar should the applicant receive this NIST sponsored travel funding.  Agency support must include paid time away from your laboratory for the time you are at the meeting.

If you would like to be considered for this grant please complete the attached application form and submit it by April 15th, 2011 to Brett Sojda at:
D/Lt. Brett Sojda
Michigan State Police

Lisa Peloza

Quote from: Lisa Peloza on March 03, 2011, 04:50:01 PM
FYI . . .it IS possible for Downtown hotels to be completely sold-out (yes, ALL Downtown hotels) . . .so don't wait, book now, whether it be the host hotel or any other!!!  Just know what the cancellation policies are and you should be alright to cancel or change reservations.  Also, if you have a res. and will be arriving late, I recommend that you call your hotel early to let them know you are still coming (I don't know if that will guarantee anything but it might avoid you being a "spill-over" - which also happens - then you might end up in a hotel by O'Hare or wherever is available).  I don't mean to worry anyone but I'm just sharing my (little) knowledge of the Downtown hotel biz.  If you will be looking for a super cheap hotel/motel in the area feel free to inquire about the neighborhood - you don't have to go too far (in the wrong direction) to be where you probably don't want to be.  :police:

I apologize if this isn't the appropriate place to re-post this; however, given this potential opportunity for someone who may have thought there was no way of attending AFTE - I thought it was important info to be aware of.