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Microscope training seminar in the New York area

Started by Jerryp, April 17, 2011, 12:20:29 AM

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9th annual Microscope day at John Jay College

Friday, April 29th, 2011
BMW Building, 555 W. 57th St
New York, NY 10019
(Sixth floor, Room 615B & 616B)

Presented by New York Microscopical Society and John Jay College

Please join us for this event, which begins at 10 AM and concludes at 3 PM.  It is an informal
event where speakers will give short presentations with ample time in-between to interact with
other attendees and speakers.
This year's speakers and their presentation titles (exact times and order of speakers is subject to

10:00 AM Peter Diaczuk, Past-President, New York Microscopical Society - Opening Remarks
10:15  Ewelina J. Bajda ‐ Microscopical Differentiation of Contact Transfer and Spatter
Bloodstain Patterns
11:00 Rebecca Smith – The Easter Bunny Ain't the Only Thing That Hops
11:45 Lunch
12:45 Nicholas Petraco – A Statistical Analysis of Dust Samples
1:30 Gerard Petillo – Microscopy of Pre-firing Tool Marks on Ammunition and its Effect on
2:15 Loretta Kuo - Statistical Analysis of Chisel Tool Marks
2:50 Peter Diaczuk - Closing remarks

Dave Zweig of Zarbeco will have a table displaying and demonstrating his newest digital
microscopes (the MiScope) and attachments.

Refreshments to be served.

This event is free and open to all those interested in microscopy  

Photo ID necessary for entry into building.


Sounds interesting...who is this Gerard Petillo fella?

Is it my turn to buy a round at AFTE or yours?   ;D
