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Job Announcement- Firearm & Toolmark Examiner

Started by Scott Doyle, December 02, 2004, 07:00:40 PM

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Scott Doyle


Position: Firearms and Toolmark Examiner

Salary Range: $42,619 to $74,360. Hamilton County also offers an excellent retirement program and health benefits.

Location: Cincinnati, Ohio

The Hamilton County Coroner's Laboratory, a full service ASCLD/LAB accredited laboratory, is seeking an experienced, court qualified, firearms and toolmark examiner. The laboratory serves approximately 43 police agencies in a region of about 1 million people. Major duties include the normal microscopic comparison of firearms evidence, operation of the NIBIN/IBIS terminal, toolmark comparisons, distance determinations, serial numbers restorations, function tests and delivering training lectures to law enforcement personnel. This position does not involve GSR analyses, footwear/tiretrack comparisons, or crime scene searches. The examiner will join a staff of two other firearms examiners. The examiner will be required to comply with safety, quality control, and other administrative criteria of the ASCLD/LAB accreditation program. General information about the laboratory can be found at

Qualifications: Applicants must meet the requirements for a firearms and toolmark examiner as stipulated in ASCLD/LAB Section 2.7. They must be able to perform casework independently and have been qualified as expert witnesses in the disciplines of firearms and toolmark examinations. Training and experience with the National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN), and membership in AFTE is desirable.

To Apply: Send a cover letter and resume to:

William L. Dean
Chief of Forensic Sciences
Hamilton County Coroner's Laboratory
3159 Eden Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
Fax: 513-946-8772

Position will remain open until filled