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Impression and Pattern Evidence Symposium

Started by Bob Shem, January 10, 2012, 05:04:55 PM

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Bob Shem

I was asked by a footwear friend to share this announcement:

NIJ and the FBI Laboratory Division are co-sponsoring the Impression and Pattern Evidence Symposium, to be held August 6-9, 2012, in Clearwater Beach, Florida.
The Impression and Pattern Evidence Symposium is specifically intended to bring together practitioners and researchers to enhance information sharing and promote collaboration among the impression and pattern evidence, law enforcement, and legal communities. The symposium will also provide unique educational opportunities for impression and pattern evidence examiners.
This year's theme is Recognize, Develop, and Implement: Building on our Foundations.
We are now soliciting abstracts for posters, platform presentations, and workshops from all impression and pattern evidence disciplines, including:
•   Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
•   Fingerprint / Friction Ridges
•   Firearms and Toolmarks
•   Footwear and Tire Impressions
•   Questioned Documents
•   Other Impression and Pattern Evidence
Travel and lodging support will be provided for the primary presenter of accepted abstracts, invited guests, and committee members within the United States. Registration for the symposium will open in April 2012.
For registration information about the symposium and to submit your abstract online, please visit the Symposium website. Symposium materials will be available 1 week prior to the event date.
View all NIJ-sponsored events.
How does NIJ impact your work?
We're interested in hearing how the event announced in this email, and other NIJ resources, affect your work. Send us your thoughts (
Thank you.
Robert J. Shem, 4900 Buckingham Way., Anchorage, AK  99503, ph 907 952-2254,

Jennifer Floyd

Jennifer Floyd
Arkansas State Crime Laboratory

Dan Jackson

There's no such thing as "too much ammo".