I think there are mistakes in definition of producers. If there are such mistakes, specify please.
1- Russia (SSSR), Target cartridge.
2- Russia (SSSR), "OLYMP", Klimovsk "KSPZ", (Cartridge for biathlon the cold-resistant.).
3- Russia, Target cartridge.
4- Ammunition plant #2 Rembertowie, Poland.
5- Blank cartridge 5.6мм, Russia,"Tekhkrim" (Closed joint stock company).
6- Western Cartridge Co. de East Alton (Illinois).
7- Rheinisch-Westfälische Sprengstoffe A-G, Nürnberg, Germany.
8- .22 caliber cartridges produced under the name "Federal".
Winchester Repeating Arms CO. "H" can appear with and without a circle.10 - Sellier-Bellot de Praga. Commercial marking.
11 - Lapuan Patruunatehdas, Lapua, Finland.
12 - Remington Arms Co. Inc. de Bridgeport.
13 - "PMC" - Precision Made Cartridges, Poongsan Corporation of Korea (production by orders for the USA).
14 - Hungary

15 - Industrie Werke Karlsruhe "DWM", Germany
16 - Smit & Wesson Mexico

17 - Russia, Novosibirsk cartridge plant.
18 - Birmingam England (in the 2nd World War)
19 - "RWS", Rheinisch-Westfälische Sprengstoff A.-G., Nürnberg-U. Germany
20 - Societe Francaise des Munitions rue Notre Damedes Victoires Paris, France.
21 - "RWS", Rheinisch-Westfälische Sprengstoff A.-G., Nürnberg-U. Germany
22 - Eley Brothers, Ltd., London, England