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Author Topic: Forensic Scientists  (Read 13823 times)

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Forensic Scientists
« on: January 28, 2013, 02:30:18 PM »
Forensic Scientist II, Forensic Scientist III, Forensic Scientist IV, & Section Supervisor
The Phoenix Police Department Laboratory Services Bureau is a nationally accredited forensic laboratory that provides technical assistance and training, evaluates and analyzes evidence, interprets results and provides expert testimony related to the full spectrum of physical evidence recovered from crime scenes. Some of the scientific procedures utilized by the laboratory have the potential for linking a suspect to a crime, victim, or a scene.

RECRUITMENT DATES Recruitment may close when we have received a sufficient number of qualified applications.

SALARY RANGE: The salary range for Forensic Scientist II, Forensic Scientist III, Forensic Scientist IV, & Forensic Science Section Supervisor is: $46,758 - $104,416 annualized.

QUALIFICATIONSTo meet the minimum qualifications for this recruitment, you must have:
- Bachelor’s degree in a natural science (i.e., Biology, Chemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Biological
   Physics, Forensic Science), criminalistics, or a closely related field.
- Experience performing analyses in a forensic discipline.

DUTIES Forensic Scientists apply the physical sciences to the investigation of crimes by performing laboratory analyses on physical evidence. Incumbents could work in various facets of this classification:

Latent Print Comparative Section: performs all work related to the comparison of latent prints recovered from crime scenes and evidence submitted to the Laboratory Services Bureau. Knowledge and experience of principles, methods, and current techniques used in friction ridge analysis is highly desirable.
performs analysis on blood and urine samples for alcohol, illicit drugs, prescription drugs, and other substances. In addition, this position provides support for the breath testing program by maintaining and performing calibration checks on the instruments, and provides expert testimony in these areas. Having documented competency in at least two or more of the above areas of analyses is highly desirable.
 Trace Evidence: involves the examination and comparison of evidence to include, but not limited to, fibers, paint, glass, hair, tape, explosives, soil, and gunshot residue (GSR). Having documented competency in at least one or more of the above examinations is highly desirable.
 Forensic Biology: involves the examination of forensic evidence for the presence of biological materials including blood, semen, saliva, cells, urine, and fecal material. DNA analysis involves the extraction, quantitation, analysis, and interpretation of forensic DNA samples isolated from the materials listed above. Knowledge and experience of principles, methods, materials, equipment, and current techniques used in forensic biology screening and/or DNA is highly desirable.[/color]
 Firearms Examination:
  includes the examination and testing of firearms, the comparison of fired cartridge components, and scene reconstruction such as muzzle to target estimations.  Having documented competency in at least one or more of the above examinations is highly desirable.
 Evidence Processing:  involves the chemical processing and photographing of latent prints and / or the examination of forensic evidence for the presence of biological materials including blood, semen, saliva, cells, urine, and fecal material.  Knowledge and experience of principles, methods, materials, equipment, and current techniques used in chemical processing for latent prints and/or forensic biology screening is highly desirable. 
Controlled Substances:  includes the analysis of drug evidence such as marijuana, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, diverted prescription drugs, and steroids.  Having documented competency in the above examinations is highly desirable.
HOW TO APPLY View the complete listing of qualifications and duties for each classification, and submit your cover letter and resume on-line at AA/EEO/D Employer

Apply Here:


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