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Cooey .22LR rifle (Winchester) Model 39

Started by Kevan Walsh, May 22, 2013, 03:36:58 PM

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Kevan Walsh

Does anyone know if it is possible to contact Mr John A. Belton, author of "Cooey Firearms Made in Canada"?  If so, how?  Or do you know an alternative who is knowledgeable about such firearms?  Thanks.

If you have a Cooey Model 39 in your collection, I'd appreciate knowing the serial number (can xx the last two digits if you wish confidentiality), how many land and grooves there are for your rifle, and the model designation (e.g. "Cooey Winchester Western Model 39" or "Cooey Model 39" or ?).  I understand that there may have been a change in rifling during production and I am trying to determine this.  Thanks again.

Evan Thompson

Hope this helps Kevan
Images from RCMP-GRC
Rifling data from RDS version 10.3
Evan Thompson
Never live a life gray

Kevan Walsh

Thanks again Evan.  Also hoping for data from other rifles to build up a picture of what changes may have occurred and when

Gerard Dutton

We have one Kevan. Rifling = 8R. Stamped on top of the barrel is WINCHESTER  Made in Canada by Winchester (Canada) Limited  Model 39  22 CAL S L & LR.
The serial number is 40497, located on the right side of the barrel at the chamber. Just ahead of that is a small diamond stamp: Cooey tested in Canada.
I can send some pics if need be.
Ballistics Section
Tasmania Police