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Anyone willing to go half on a room at the Conference?

Started by Carolyn Martinez, June 12, 2013, 12:02:57 PM

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Carolyn Martinez

A male AFTE member coming from out of the country has a reservation at the Hyatt and would like to split the cost of the room with another male attending the conference to cut down on out of pocket costs. Anyone interested in this offer, please email me for further information.
Thank you,
Carolyn Martinez
Corpus Christi Police Department

Bob Shem

I would have to check with Chris Clayton to see if he wouldn't mind a roll away being added to our room.  If Chris doesn't mind, our out-of-country member can rent a roll away and stay with us.  Let me know if he gets in a bind and can't find a roomie.  He wouldn't have to pay for the room costs, just the roll away.
Robert J. Shem, 4900 Buckingham Way., Anchorage, AK  99503, ph 907 952-2254,

Carolyn Martinez

Thanks, Bob,
I will let him know about the cot if it is alright and he doesn't end up finding someone to share his room.

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