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Great Meeting Last Week

Started by Charles Clow, July 01, 2013, 11:00:15 AM

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Charles Clow

Just wanted to express what a great training conference AFTE 2013 turned out to be.

Thanks so much to the Host Committee.


Axel Manthei

It was a great meeting!
Thank you to all of you who make it happen. :clap:

Axel & Elke
(just arrived home in Germany)

Jill Dupre

Thank you AFTE 2013 Host Committee members, vendors and attendees for another wonderfully successful meeting.  Congratulations to the Best Paper winners too!!

Rick Wyant

Ditto!  I laughed, I cried, I lit a candle.  We have some shoes to fill for 2014 indeed!

By overwhelming request, the promo video with Brian and his woody has been posted on the AFTE 2014 Seattle facebook page.

Evan Thompson

One of the best yet, the host committee did a great job.  Jim Hamby may yet sell all of his ties.
Evan Thompson
Never live a life gray

Jeff Goudeau

Great meeting!  Learned a lot and had a ball!!!!
Jeff Goudeau
Firearms Supervisor
Louisiana State Police Crime Lab
Baton Rouge, LA

Ray Cooper

 I would also like to say congrats to the host committee for a fantastic training seminar and a big thanks to the entire AFTE membership for allowing me to serve as your 44th president.
Ray Cooper
834 Cooper Rd.
Dubach, LA.  71235

Kim Haag

Thank you everyone...and now for some rest!!!!

      Kim Haag
      FSC, Albuquerque, NM

Rick Wyant

We are happy to announce the 2014 raffle winners from the ABQ meeting:
The Cregos (Montana)- Dinner at the Space Needle
Linda Tran (Louisiana)- Float plane fight for 5 around Puget Sound
Danny Hamilton (Arizona)- Suite at the Seattle Westin for the Seattle meeting
The winner of the artwork left before we got your name.
Thanks to all who donated to 2014!
Most updates throughout the year will be on our facebook page "AFTE 2014 Seattle", with the occasional update here on the forum.

Dennis Lyons

Any pictures?? Slide show from the meeting??
Dennis J. Lyons
Rhode Island State Crime Lab
University of Rhode Island
41 Lower College Road
Kingston, R.I. 02881

Michael Haag

Our photo guys are getting us a disc...  Should be soon!
(505) 401-6225