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2016 AFTE Dates

Started by Jeff Goudeau, June 04, 2014, 11:43:34 AM

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Jeff Goudeau

Specific room rate since it was below per diem at the time but there is another clause Helms Brisco is looking at.  I'll keep you posted.
Jeff Goudeau
Firearms Supervisor
Louisiana State Police Crime Lab
Baton Rouge, LA

M. L. Cooper

The jump in rates from Jan.-Apr. is primarily due to the NCAA Sugar Bowl, Mardi Gras, French Quarter Festival and Jazz Fest.  They like to get more revenue from these events.
M.L. Cooper

Joshua Wright

Josh Wright

Dwight Deskins

Looking forward to it too!  Any update on the room rate situation - or suggestions of nearby alternate lodging that would be at or below the Federal GSA cost?
Dwight Deskins
KSP Eastern Regional Crime Laboratory
1550 Wolohan Drive - Suite 2
Ashland, KY 41102
FAX - (606)929-9364

Jeff Goudeau

We tried our best but they won't come down to Federal room rate.  If I get a chance I'll look around and see if anyone has Federal Per Diem available but less and less hotels are offering it. 
Jeff Goudeau
Firearms Supervisor
Louisiana State Police Crime Lab
Baton Rouge, LA

Stuart Jacobson

Jeff Goudeau

I totally understand that some of you have to go where gov't per diem allows but I'm asking everyone that can stay at the Hilton to please do so.  If we don't fill the room block then we will be charged for the meeting space which is approximately $100,000.  Again, I get some people have no choice.  I'm only asking polietly if you can then please do!!!  Thanks!!!
Jeff Goudeau
Firearms Supervisor
Louisiana State Police Crime Lab
Baton Rouge, LA