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Glock Magazine Problems

Started by loznycky, September 29, 2005, 06:46:05 PM

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Surf's Up!
Hey, like I have a question for some of you losers.
Recently, one of Lab guys was taking our Glock transition class at the pistol range. (Yes we can carry guns here !) Part of the class is to clear a malfunction. We teach the typical tap and rack to clear a malfunction. When it came time to tap the magazine our Lab guy did just that and the magazine fell apart ! The rangemaster thought that it may have been a defective magazine so our Lab guy tried his other two and the same thing happened. Our Lab guy came back to our Lab and told me of the problem. I went through our collection and found a couple of Glock magazines and sure as s_ _ _ they did the same. All of the magazines were of the ten cartridge capacity or as Gene Wolberg would say "Feinstein mags". I tried the tap and rack with the fifteen cartridge capacity magazines or as Gene Wolberg would say "Killer mags" and there were no problems. It should be noted that the Lab guy bought a brand new Glock pistol with three brand new Glock 10 capacity mags and that I used both new and old Glock 10 capacity mags. Have any of you come across this type of problem? I originally thought that it might have been operator error considering that he's from that country we threw tea in the ocean at Boston Harbor for but it's not!

Jamie Becker

I don't have any insight to your problem....just wanted to say "thanks" for making me smile and laugh remembering the ole Wolberg Humor and seeing that it's still alive & well in some!!!
Jamie Becker
Forensic Consultant


This really doesn't make sense to me, unless the mags were modified somehow (maybe someone took out the locking plates, or trimmed the "nubs" to make disassembly easier?) I've beat the 10-rounders to hell during IPSC matches, TRB drills, bouncing them off of concrete and wood, you name it, and I've NEVER had one come apart on me.

Michael Haag

Was there forward motion to the "tap"?
Did the floor plate pop directly down, or off the front?
What were you carrying before, Loz-man, a flintlock or blunderbus?
(505) 401-6225


Were the magazines loaded or empty when this happened?
It wouldn't surprise me if this happened on an empty magazine using a forward "tap" motion as Michael mentioned. Some other magazines will do the same thing under these conditions. I wouldn't be too concerned if this were the case. I would be surprised, however, if it happened with a loaded magazine as would be the case in a "real world" scenario.


Hey Bill, maybe all that sunshine/ozone makes the baseplates weak. I still have a couple "Feinstein" mags and will give it a try on Friday during our qualifications. Yes, we have guns too. Expecting a high of 39 degrees, but no snow. Besides its a dry snow:D

Aaron Brudenell

I wish I could help but my religious convictions forbid me from handling reduced capacity magazines--I don't want to be UNCLEAN!!!!
Aaron Brudenell
Firearm Examiner
Arizona Dept. of Public Safety