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It's Now Open

Started by M. L. Cooper, January 31, 2005, 04:07:33 PM

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M. L. Cooper

The job at PBSO is now offixially open attached is the information.
I'm looking forward to some outstanding applicants.

M. L. Cooper
Palm Beach County Sheriff Crime Lab
M.L. Cooper

Scott Doyle

Any hurricane insurance provided?  :D

M. L. Cooper

No but we don't have any snow removal problems. Keisler from ISP Indy. said it would all become apparent that when you folks had 18-24 inches of snow, my opinion would be, well, that wind wasn't all that bad.
Take care
M.L. Cooper

Scott Doyle

Good point!  My back still hasn't recovered from the "concrete block" snow and ice we had at Christmas!

Mark Keisler


Remember you were running for cover all of August and September while we were fishing, enjoying NASCAR at the Brickyard, and going to Colts Training Camp.

Keisler :lol:
M. Keisler
Indiana State Police

M. L. Cooper

I may have been running for cover, but I haven't had to defrost my car, shovel snow or worry about slipping on ice. Wait, I did slip on ice last week. Someone spilled their beverage at a patio party.
But I'm sure you are dining on your patio tonight also.

M.L. Cooper


HMMMMM. Let me see? Palm beach or Indiana.

Tough call  :wink:

I'll have to think about it.


HMMMMM. Let me see? Palm beach or Indiana.

Tough call  :wink:

I'll have to think about it.

Michael Mulderig

Hmmm  Thanks for the invite Coop but Washington D.C. seems to be my place...  I like to run with the Big Boys!!!!!!! :lol:

M. L. Cooper

Running with the Big Boys is a fine thing. Just remember, if you are not very careful, it could be more like running with the Bulls in Pamplona!!!!

Be very Careful!!!!!!!
M.L. Cooper