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AFTE 2015 Hold Harmless Agreement

Started by Jay M. Stuart, May 14, 2015, 10:03:06 AM

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Jay M. Stuart

AFTE has obtained a Special Event Coverage insurance policy for the 46th Annual Training Seminar. This was needed since AFTE's current insurance policy does not cover the actual meeting and due to some venue's requirement for proof of insurance.  The Special Event Coverage insurance policy obtained does not cover all aspects of the meeting; therefore, AFTE's legal counsel has created a waiver to address these facets of the meeting (including off-site events).  Each attendee of the meeting will be required to have a signed waiver on file.  This waiver will need to be signed during the registration process at the meeting, and the signature also witnessed by a representative of AFTE. 

Hopefully, this requirement will not delay or be an inconvenience during the registration process.  AFTE is posting this waiver to give registrants the opportunity to review it prior to the meeting, which will speed up the registration process.

If you have any questions regarding the waiver, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Katherine Richert
AFTE President
Jay Stuart
Metro Crime Lab - Albuquerque, NM

Phil Wolslagel

 This contract appears to extend way beyond a simple wavier for the seminar. This seems to want the membership to give up all legal rights to ever challenge AFTE for any reason, precluding any court filings for any reason. I have no idea of why I might want to do such a thing, but I question the desire of AFTE for me to do so. Specifically:

I intend that this Release shall not be subject to any claim of fraud, duress, deception, or mistake of fact, and that it expresses a full and complete settlement of any claims whatsoever I ever had or may have against AFTE or any Releasee.

I will not file any complaint, suit, claim or charge against AFTE or any Releasee with any local, state or federal agency or court. If any agency or court assumes jurisdiction of any complaint, suit, claim or charge against AFTE or any Releasee on my behalf, I will request such agency or court to dismiss the matter
Phil Wolslgel

Kathy Richert

I have forwarded your question and concern to the AFTE legal counsel for clarification.  The intent of this waiver was only for the events of the 2015 AFTE 46th  Annual Training Seminar and off-site events sponsored by AFTE for this seminar.  I will certainly have legal counsel alter this waiver prior to the meeting for clarification.


Mike Beddow


Thank you very much for the quick respone to Phil's post. I was just getting ready to post with similar concerns.

Mike Beddow

Nelson Welch

I always told my kids as they were growing up that "No problem is very big unless you let emotions get involved".  I am thinking of amending the comment to include, (or attorneys).
take care.
The truth is the truth; but the truth doesn't always "win".

Stacey Phetteplace

X2 with Mike and Phil. My internal red flag went up too, and I'm not an attorney by any means.
Peace is not the absence of war. It is the presence of justice, law, and order. - Albert Einstein.

Kathy Richert

Thank you all for your feedback!  A retraction of the requirement of this waiver has been posted on the website.

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