Hey Everyone,
We sent out an email to everyone that was registered for AFTE 2020 in Austin, but we wanted to extend the sale to all our members!
Even though AFTE was cancelled this year, we have had a lot of requests for "AFTE 2020: Austin" merchandise. So exciting news, we are selling shirts and challenge coins!! (see attached flyer) Please combine orders the best you can within your labs to limit shipping costs.
These items are for PRE-ORDER only and it will take several weeks for the items to ship.If you originally purchased a shirt during registration, you WILL still need to fill the form attached. If you want a refund for the shirt from the registration, that request will need to be made by emailing Christy Andrews (candrews@helmsbriscoe.com). Otherwise, it will roll into next year's registration.
Please fill out the form below to order. An invoice will be sent to the provided email address with shipping costs so the invoice can be paid. We are using Zelle for online payments (which is preferred) or checks.
Orders must be in by Friday, October 16th, 2020.If you have any additional questions please contact reg.afte2020@gmail.com.
Order here: