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SS80 Single Stack 80% Lower Manufacturer

Started by kgarrison, November 18, 2020, 10:41:15 AM

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Here is the frame in question:

I received one of these for a NIBIN entry and so far it has no markings except for "SS80" on either side of the grip and "MADE IN USA San Diego, CA" on the right side of the frame above the grip.

I called Glockstore, since it's the first search result no matter how many different ways I searched on Google for manufacturer or parent company of SS80, and got hold of one of their customer service reps. The customer service rep stated that SS80 is made by Polymer80, which is owned by them (at least that's what I understood).

Has anyone else heard this same information or heard anything different?

Any help is appreciated.


A very nice member got me to the classification letter they received from ATF and I got an email that was much more straight forward from their customer service people that both seem to support that "Glockstore" is the manufacturer.

Thanks to all the people who helped.
Kirk Garrison
Firearms and Toolmarks
San Bernardino County Sheriff's Dept.
Scientific Investigations Division

Axel Manthei

here is the entry in the 2020 SHOT Show catalogue.
Hope it helps.


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