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Condo for AFTE

Started by Amanda Gibson, March 15, 2022, 03:08:16 PM

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Amanda Gibson

Hey everybody! I have a friend who lives in Atlanta and has a condo available for rent through AirBnB that is a 3-minute walk away from the hotel. My agency doesn't want to rent it, but I thought I would offer it for people who might be paying their own way, or to an agency that doesn't mind going through AirBnB.
Here is the link to the condo:
My friend's name is Sara Miller, and her contact email is She currently has the dates for the AFTE conference blocked off so no one else can reserve it. The earliest someone would be able to get into the condo would be 1 PM on May 29. She will keep the dates reserved until the end of April. If anyone is interested, please let her know!
Amanda[size=78%] [/size]

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