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2022 AFTE Scholarship Recipients

Started by Samantha Harter, June 07, 2022, 10:18:09 AM

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Samantha Harter

Hello all!

Just wanted to send a notification out to the membership notifying you of the selected 2022 AFTE Scholarship recipients, since it was not read at the banquet this past week.

The first recipient of the 2022 AFTE Scholarship is Jordan Green. Ms. Green is currently pursuing her doctorate degree in Forensic Science with a specialization in Firearm and Toolmark Investigations from Oklahoma State University. Jordan is a prior Firearms Examiner and is now the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Manager with the Tulsa Police Department. She has performed research evaluating consecutively broached Ruger pistol barrels in which she has submitted for publication in the AFTE Journal. Jordan is also interested in performing research in validating the Ultra Electronics Quantum 3D Microscope as well as a look into the treatment of inconclusive results within error rate studies. Jordan is dedicated to giving back to the field of Firearms and Toolmarks through the research she is currently performing and plans to perform in the future.

The second recipient of the 2022 AFTE Scholarship is Haley Runaldue. Ms. Runaldue will be pursuing her master's degree in Forensic Science from the University of Florida this fall.  Haley is currently a Firearms Examiner with the Baltimore Police Department. She has completed a research project which has been submitted for publication in the AFTE Journal examining the relationship between high velocity and low bullet weight in 223 Remington cartridges and the effect on the land and groove impressions. Haley plans to continue her career as a Firearms Examiner and aims to give back to the field by continuing to perform research and hopes to become an educator at the University level.

Congratulations Jordan and Haley!
Samantha (Berghorn) Harter
Onondaga County Center for Forensic Sciences
Syracuse, NY

Holli Worden

Jill Dupre

Congratulations ladies.  Looking forward to your publications in the AFTE Journal!

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