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Is there a name for this type of breechface?

Started by Shandra Lynch, September 13, 2022, 09:41:15 AM

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Shandra Lynch

Good Morning All!
The 1st picture is from the breechface of an Inland M2 30 Carbine, and the 2nd is a cc.  I don't really think that the BF marks are circular or arches. They are almost like a fan or pinwheel.  What do you call these types of BF marks? Is there a category for them? Thanks much!

Mike Beddow

Shandra Lynch

Thanks much. I am looking for more of a descriptor, like granular, linear, circular, arches, etc.  Is overlapping milling marks how you describe them in your notes?

Mike Beddow

Nancy McCombs

Shandra, you would also not be incorrect if you called them arced BF marks, or overlapping arched BF marks.
Nancy D. McCombs

Chris Monturo

I would sway away from arched as they are traditionally associated with Beretta/Taurus 92/96 series where there is clearly a one way arch from the face milling process.  If someone told me "arched" I would think Beretta/Taurus 92/96 style.
While what you have shown does have arches, it is a result of a different process.   Beretta/Taurus is a one time swipe in an upward motion.  What you have is an endmill used in conjunction with a rotation of the bolt face.  This is similar to the Ruger AR-15 bolt face (pictured below).  Overlapping endmill marks as Mark mentioned.

As for a one or two word term to encompass the situation....that may take some time to figure out.  If you want a description, I would classify it as a breechface produced by an undersized endmill to produce the case head pocket (or overlapping endmill marks). 

Not sure if that was much help because I didn't come up with a term, but it gives you the jist of what you are seeing.(edited to say that overlapping endmill marks pretty much sums it up the more I think about it)

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Adam Grooms

It would be curious to know what NIBIN is classifying this BF as?  Maybe AFTE glossary committee can help define a standard term (ie. OE - overlap endmill)

Charles Clow

For NIBIN I'd likely say cross-hatched since you have overlapping marks that are not exactly perpendicular to each other but I think it describes the appearance generally.


Bob Kennington

Quote from: Shandra Lynch on September 13, 2022, 09:41:15 AM
Good Morning All!
The 1st picture is from the breechface of an Inland M2 30 Carbine, and the 2nd is a cc.  I don't really think that the BF marks are circular or arches. They are almost like a fan or pinwheel.  What do you call these types of BF marks? Is there a category for them? Thanks much!

I like pinwheel or "swirl"

Message Bob Hart--he's really good at this. (And many of his terms appear in the Matrix texts).

Sean Daniel

At first glance it reminds me of a spirograph

I like the name overlapping milling marks too. Seems to be the simplest term to call it what it is

Emily Bagwell

One more vote for overlapping arches over here.
Emily Bagwell
Technical Leader
Georgia Bureau of Investigation

Christi Bonar

Chris and Mike,

Without using the machining method, what would your description be?

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