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Frankfort vs. Frankford

Started by Ashely Northcutt, July 17, 2007, 04:35:16 PM

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Ashely Northcutt

I've been reading a bunch of accounts of the Brownsville Affair and they mention that cartridge cases, etc were sent to a government facility to be analyzed.  Some refer to the "Frankford Arsenal" and the others refer to the "Frankfort Arsenal".  :-\

A quick googling   ??? shows plenty of references to each.  Is one just a common misspelling? Can somebody help me out with which it is supposed to be?

Ashely Northcutt
Independent Consultant

James Joyce

Ashely, the correct name of the facility in "Frankford Arsenal".  It is probably named after the area of North East Philadelphia where it is located (Frankford).  My Uncle worked there for 30 years and he told me that there was a 1000 yd. undergroud range in the facility.  It does not function as an arsenal anymore.  I believe it was sold to the city for a dollar and it has several Philly police units and  some private business's located there.

Jim Joyce NJSP (Retired Philly PD)

Ashely Northcutt

Ashely Northcutt
Independent Consultant


Frankford Arsenal  (FA) was closed in 1976 time frame.  The last Commanding Officer was Col Frank Hackley, a long time friend.  He is the author of some very unique books on ammo loaded by FA.  Any book you see Frank Hackley's name on get it.  Frank is 87 now I think.

Fire Control and Ammo Engineers were transferred to Picatinny Arsenal NJ until they retired.

Update 5/3/23  Col Frank Hackley has passed.  He told me all his data was going to be passed to others.

His last published work that I know of is entitled HISTORY OF MODERN U.S. MILITARY SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION VOL iii 1946-1977. 

If you can find a copy of the above it will be a treasure for your collection.

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