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Morning jogging at the Seminar

Started by Doug Lancon, May 07, 2008, 03:27:01 PM

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Doug Lancon

Anyone interested in getting in a light jog before the meeting?

Let me know and I'll start working on it.  Curtis tells me of a nearby scenic route that should work out fine.

Doug Lançon

Zak Carr

Sounds like fun. Count me in.
Zak Carr
Cadre Forensics

Rick Wyant

Bob Shem

only as long as you run behind me
Robert J. Shem, 4900 Buckingham Way., Anchorage, AK  99503, ph 907 952-2254,

Doug Lancon

looks like bob will be the pace car  >:D
Doug Lançon

Bob Shem

Not really.  It's like the old joke about wearing track shoes in bear country.  It's not so that you can outrun the bear, it's so that you can outrun your buddy.  ;D

I just need to run fast enough to keep any speedos in the rear view mirror.

Bikinis, however, that's another matter.  ;)
Robert J. Shem, 4900 Buckingham Way., Anchorage, AK  99503, ph 907 952-2254,

Doug Lancon

Doug Lançon

Mike Appel

Doug Lancon

Curtis says that the continental breakfast is from 6:30-8am.  We'll see how you guys feel, but we could finish just in time for breakfast if we start around 6. ^-^
Doug Lançon

Axel Manthei

Isn't the Iron man held in Hawaii?

... how about the "Iron firearm examiner" Triathlon?

- 8 hours AFTE presentations
- 2 hours workshop
- 5 miles running

I volunteer to take picture finish photos  >:D


I have seen Bob runnin' across the Golde Gate Bridge .... beware of the bear!

Justine Kreso

Quote from: Axel Manthei on May 08, 2008, 10:33:53 AM

I have seen Bob runnin' across the Golde Gate Bridge .... beware of the bear!

;D  ;D  ;D

Guess I'm glad I missed the run last year!

:'(  You boys have fun.
Justine Kreso
Onondaga County Center for Forensic Sciences
Syracuse, NY

Michelle Dilbeck

Alameda County Sheriff's Office Crime Laboratory

Bob Shem

QuoteI have seen Bob runnin' across the Golden Gate Bridge .... beware of the bear!

Panda Bear maybe.  I make it a point to go hiking with old timers when I am in bear country.  I can outrun a guy with a walker or cane but anyone else and I'm one with the bear - Timothy Treadwell style.

I am iffy for morning jogs in 'lulu as my left foot has a painful case of plantar fasciitis.  It feels like my left heel bone is trying to dig through the bottom of my foot.  Hopefully I will have this under control by then so that you all can enjoy my wicked wit and dry sense of humor in the early morning.  ;D
Robert J. Shem, 4900 Buckingham Way., Anchorage, AK  99503, ph 907 952-2254,

Doug Lancon

We'll meet at the lobby and plan to leave by 6:15.

Doug Lançon

Scott Doyle

I hope you guys choke on your Hawaiian Leys!  :(

Just kidding.

I'm just jealous.  Man, I can't let this happen again!


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