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Author Topic: Resume recomendations  (Read 33216 times)

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Resume recomendations
« on: July 18, 2004, 12:29:30 PM »
I have a BS in forensic science from John jay college and am finding it tough to find a job in forensic science. I have been fortunate enough to get a job at a pharmaceutical company but this is not what I want to do with my life.

What I am looking for is some advise on how to build my resume so it looks better to forensic labs. I have already done an internship at the suffolk county crime lab in New York. I have also taken the ABC GKE and am awaiting the results. I am willing to relocate. I am also going to take the GRE so I can apply to grad school.

But what else can I do to build my resume? It seems all the certifications come only after 2 years of work experince. Is there some courses that I can take?

I found the American institute of applied science (, but I dont know if this would be worth it.

Please, any suggetions would be greatly appreciated  :D

Offline Bob Shem

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Resume recomendations
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2004, 02:18:29 PM »
Some of the larger lab systems have in-house training programs and tend to hire green, right-out-of-school individuals with a minimum of a Bachelor of Science degree in a natural science or chemistry - and no other qualifications.  Keep an eye open for the job offerings in the larger state law enforcement systems.

My wife is a pharmaceutical representative.  She used to be a firearm examiner.  She has a great job in sales, company car, and has room for advancement.  In government forensic jobs your best, scientifically challenging jobs are the bench-level positions with almost no room for career growth.

If I weren't as close as I am to retirement, I'd consider trying to get a position as a pharmaceutical representive.
Robert J. Shem, 4900 Buckingham Way., Anchorage, AK  99503, ph 907 952-2254,

Offline Kim Haag

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Resume recomendations
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2004, 09:40:56 AM »
If forensics is what you really want to do, just apply for everything you see.  Labs typically prefer a qualified examiner but there aren't enough to go around and many eventually take trainees.  Thats how I got into the business.  After college, I started out as a tech in a lab and with the encouragement and help of a great examiner he got me prepared to interview for trainee positions.  I applied all over the US and finally got a trainee position and now I've been here almost 7 years.  Just keep trying.  But Bob is right, the upward mobility in this line of work is virtually non-existent and it usually means you're doing less casework and more paper-pushing.  

Keep trying and good luck!  P.S.  If you can voluteer at a lab that would give you good experience you could use for interviewing purposes.
      Kim Haag
      FSC, Albuquerque, NM


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Resume recomendations
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2004, 05:46:44 PM »
Thanks...I have been applying everywhere...I guess I will just keep to it...

Offline Allen Greenspan

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Resume recomendations
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2004, 02:48:22 PM »
One of your best "foot in the door" approaches is to start out as a forensic chemist, and if you should be lucky enough to be at a lab that allows cross training you might want to try that route.  However, quite a few labs will only hire persons for a chemist position that have a degree in a natural science (biology, chemistry, or physics).

As Kim pointed out, apply, apply,  apply to labs everywhere, for any position.  Once you get your foot in the door and are trained, you are a comodity!  

As mentioned previously, upward mobility is at a minimum, unless you want to be a supervisor and push the paper and rewrite manuals so that they meet new ASCLD/LAB/ISO requirements.  

FYI, two persons at our lab have left and became drug reps, and are doing fantastic both financially and professionally!

Good luck with whatever you do.
Allen B. Greenspan
Broward Co. Sheriff's Office Crime Lab
201 SE 6th St. North Wing Rm 1799
Fort Lauderdale FL 33301
954.831.6413 (Fax)

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