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Bullet Base Stamps

Started by Ashely Northcutt, December 07, 2010, 07:56:28 PM

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Ashely Northcutt

I'd like to propose a Bullet Base Stamps folder for the gallery.   ;D

In the meantime, here's a few to get things started.

"M": Barnes magnum copper hollow point bullets (mostly 30 cal.), designed to open at high velocity and not break petals. Info from SHOT Show 2010: Barnes rep. Chandler Bates.

"X": Barnes super high velocity copper hollow point bullets, designed to open at high velocity and not break petals. Info from SHOT Show 2010: Barnes rep. Chandler Bates.


"T": Federal tactical 223 rem 55gr soft point. (from box)
Ashely Northcutt
Independent Consultant

Nat Pearlson

"T" originally was on Trophy Bonded Bear Claw bullets which Federal loaded.  I saw them manufacturing the bullets at Federal on a tour a long time ago and I think they acquired the rights to sell them in loaded ammunition (not sure on the specifics here).  Federal still lists the bullet being available  in a variety of big game calibers (Vital-Shok line – now with polymer tips).  It looks like Speer is selling the bullets for reloading now and they have calibers ranging from .224 to .475.  I have not seen these, so I don't know if they still bear the "T" on the base. They may be available as components or in loaded ammunition from other sources that I don't know about.  Ashely is certainly right about the listed load bearing a "T".  I just wanted to let those who might not be aware that you could run into the "T" on other loads and calibers.


Chris Monturo


Great idea.  If possible, I would suggest a photo of the box of ammunition also.  That would help with case documentation.

Also, if any AFTE article has been authored on the topic, a citation of the article.

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Ashely Northcutt

Test fired a .22 five times in the tank using Remington High Velocity 22 LR ammunition from lab supply.


Noticed with interest that each of the test fired bullets had a different bullet base stamp...

U,Y,R,W and an H (or U,Y,R,M and an I?)


It's like bullet ouija! Apparently I need to shoot more to get the rest of the message...  :D

(Yes this is a blatant thread bump to try and weasel a bullet base stamp folder into the Headstamp Gallery. ;) )
Ashely Northcutt
Independent Consultant

Evan Thompson

Evan Thompson
Never live a life gray

Jill Therriault

Sounds like a good idea.  I'll get a folder started for it in the HSG.  I'll include a link to Evan's previous thread about the CD with additional photos.

Thanks, Ashely, for providing the start-up photos!  :)
Jill Terry-o
AFTE Webmistress

New Hampshire State Police Forensic Laboratory
33 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH  03305

Chris Monturo


Could that information be placed into a PDF document to shrink the size and info to something that could be posted and printed off if needed for court?

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Evan Thompson

Evan Thompson
Never live a life gray

Brian Smelser

I believe the Trophy Bonded Sledgehammer has the T on the nose of the bullet.
Washington State Patrol
Seattle Laboratory

Sara Dranuski

Norma Monolithic HP Bullet Base (9mm Luger) "N" on Base

Brett Bromberg-Martin

The "T" on the base of this 308 Federal Tactical looks like it's stamped a little deeper than their 223.

Chris Monturo

More info on Norma Monolithic.  The business side is designed to give a nice expansion of 4 petals. 

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Chris Monturo

Quote from: Jill Therriault on October 14, 2013, 08:28:38 AM
Sounds like a good idea.  I'll get a folder started for it in the HSG.  I'll include a link to Evan's previous thread about the CD with additional photos.

Thanks, Ashely, for providing the start-up photos!  :)

Has this been started?    I didn't find it, but that can totally be on me. 
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Mallory Brewer

Hi Chris,

I don't see it started on my end of things either, but maybe Jill can enlighten us about its status.
Please be patient with its eventual launch, as you definitely keep me busy as is with headstamps rolling in!

-Mallory Brewer

Chris Monturo

LOL, I think I am done for awhile.  I am done buying ammo for awhile.  I am OK with it taking time.  I was just hoping it wasn't just me not being able to navigate or search.  Wouldn't be the first time. 

That being said, if you or Jill needs people to add to the committee to help, I am sure there are plenty of AFTE (younger members) who are way more tech savvy to engage.  I am intentionally not volunteering since I know my skill set and internet stuff is not it.  Thanks for your work!!!!  Much appreciated.
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