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List of Presentations

Started by Justine Kreso, March 27, 2012, 01:49:15 PM

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Justine Kreso

I am providing a current list of the titles of presenations that have been accepted and are on the schedule for this year's Technical Session.  Please follow the below link or download the attached file.  We still have about 3/4-1 day left of spots for presentations, but this is what we have so far.  I will update it occasionally to reflect new submissions.  

Hopefully this will help some of you receive funding.  Let me know if you have any questions, but this is all we are able to provide at the moment.

Justine Kreso
Onondaga County Center for Forensic Sciences
Syracuse, NY

Bill Wheatley

if possible can you list the presenters name

(908) 797-6553

Justine Kreso

No, we aren't doing that at this time unless a presenter specifically says it's OK and they don't mind.  Since posting the presentations at all is something new, we are doing baby steps.  The Technical Session Subcommitee feels it's up to each specific presenter if they want to be contacted about their talk prior to actually giving it.
Justine Kreso
Onondaga County Center for Forensic Sciences
Syracuse, NY

Justine Kreso

I would like to reiterate that we are NOT giving names out of presenters at this time.

Initially, we were going to contact presenters individually if there was interest in their talk to give them the option to field questions ahead of time if they so desired.  However, the host committee is unable to put resources towards this at this time with our technical session ever-changing. 

Thank you for your cooperation!  We hope to put on an excellent seminar for the membership!
Justine Kreso
Onondaga County Center for Forensic Sciences
Syracuse, NY

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