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Shooting Gloves for test firing

Started by Skip Richardson, October 30, 2013, 12:51:46 PM

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Skip Richardson

Hi all,

I wanted to ask what your sections are using for shooting gloves.  I noticed a couple of bulged cases in a .40S&W pistol I test fired this morning and got spooked.  I figured the double-feed malfunctions in the last two rounds fired were either due to an extractor failure or a chamber out of specification, and a visual inspection of the cartridge cases supported the latter.

I've done a little bit of research but most of what I'm finding are combat and competition gloves.  I normally wear gloves when I compete, but they're to keep sweat off of my guns and to prevent my guns from cutting me up...I'm looking for something to [better] protect my hands in case one of my guns at work decides to go kaboom...

Please give any insight you might have!!  Thanks in advance!

Note: The firearm I was test firing was not one that I would typically associate with questionable stability...but I acknowledge that I'm wet behind the ears  ;)

Evan Thompson
One possible $11.00 dollar solution, and they come law enforcement black! 
Evan Thompson
Never live a life gray

Laura Draga

Was the FA in question a Sigma?

As for the gloves, we use Kevlar when we have doubts (usually revolvers). Do a search for "cut resistant" gloves, and you should gind a good variety.

Skip Richardson

The firearm was indeed a SW40VE.  I looked up recalls for the sigma series and only found the failure to fire bulletin.

Laura Draga
has some photos I took of a SD40VE chamber cast and fired test. I never did get back with S&W about it. Google "bulged cases" and you will find quite a few owners complaining. Interesting that it was the SW, not SD model. All of the complaints I saw centered around the SD.

On another note,I just noticed the mis-spelling in my previous post. Hopefully it will be easy for you to "find" a variety of gloves to suit your needs.

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