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Recent Graduate Looking for FA/TM employment in the Buffalo, NY area

Started by HolmanTN, December 16, 2013, 10:15:53 PM

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 My name is Tina Holman.  I recently graduated from American Military University with a bachelor of science degree in forensic science.  I am currently an active duty law enforcement specialist preparing on separating in the Spring.  Attached is my resume and Diploma.


Kevin Warner

I'm not sure what the state of the forensic science job market in the Buffalo, NY area is at this time, but I can make some observations based on your resume. 

It appears that you currently have between 12-13 years of active duty military time.  I would strongly encourage you to consider completing a full 20 years, thereby giving you a pension, medical and numerous other benefits the rest of your life. 

In my experience and observations there are two types of Criminal Justice and/or Forensic degree paths, a science based and a non-science, criminal justice based.  In general, the forensic science field, including firearms examiners, is populated with individuals possessing a science based educational background, either a degree in a physical science or a science/chemistry based forensic degree.  I would recommend you take some additional coursework in chemistry or another physical science to supplement your existing criminal justice education.

There are law enforcement agencies that use experienced officers, through a training program, as firearms examiners.  That may be a reasonable option for you as well.  Obtain employment as an officer and work your way up to a forensic scientist/firearms examiner position.

To qualify my response to your post, I have over 22 years active duty and reserve component service with multiple deployments.  I completed my degree later in life than most and as a non-traditional student.  I did choose a major in chemistry, though, which greatly enhanced my marketability as a forensic scientist.

Thank you for your service and I wish you good luck in your job search and future endeavors.
Kevin Warner
Supervisory Firearms and Toolmark Examiner
Forensic Exploitation Department
US Army Criminal Investigation Division


Mr. Warner,

I like to thank you for the advice.  I will be taking you up on a few items like continuing my education.  I plan on seeking my master degree here in the very near future.  My plans for exiting the military however are medical related, so staying in to complete 20 years unfortunately is not an option for me.  Once again thank you for you kind words of encouragement.

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