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North Carolina Chemistry B.S. with Crime Lab Experience

Started by kel.price90, March 14, 2014, 12:59:20 AM

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Greetings AFTE Members and Friends,

My name is Kelly Price and I recently graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry.  I've always wanted a career in forensic science (much to the frustration of my research-focused professors), but it has taken me a while to realize my potential.  I am 30 years old and just getting my first degree, but I am thankful I waited until maturity caught up with youthful passion to tackle the many challenges of my chosen career-path.

I feel I have proven myself to be a competitive and ambitious candidate with two hard-won forensic laboratory internships (both firearms and toolmarks units) and several notable academic achievements (4.0 GPA, Dept of Chemistry & Physics "Student of the Year," and the FSU Chancellor's List).  I hope to begin my career as a crime scene technician or forensic examiner/scientist trainee in the Triangle area (Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill) of North Carolina.  However, I am quite willing to broaden my search area, and in fact I've applied to a few positions and sent several resumes out to many large and small jurisdictions in NC.

My LinkedIn profile is open to everyone.  Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.
Kelly R. Price
Former Firearms/Toolmarks Intern
FBI Laboratory Division
NC SBI Crime Lab


I've updated the original post with my LinkedIn profile.  Please feel free to offer any criticism or advice.  I welcome it!

Thank you.
Kelly R. Price
Former Firearms/Toolmarks Intern
FBI Laboratory Division
NC SBI Crime Lab


Wow, such great support and feedback (on LinkedIn and PM)!  As corny as it sounds, I am humbled by the community's altruism.  Thank you everyone for your kind words and valuable advice.  It means a lot!  I want to post a public response and advice for other job-seekers in my situation:

  • Some of you have suggested I go further in my education, but others have indicated that in general a BSc + internships is usually seen as comparable to a Master's degree.  I've been worried that my lack of a Master's would doom me from the start, so that's heartening to hear.
  • Others have advised I look nationwide in my job search.  I wish I could expand my search nationwide. Unfortunately, I'm limited to about 100-mi radius of Raleigh, NC and Charlotte, NC metro, and I've been diligently checking government and private lab job postings since Aug 2013.  I'm lucky that there are many forensics-related government and private agencies in my area of interest, the positions just aren't open right now.  (I actually had a promising Firearms Examiner interview but ended up being their second candidate.)
  • I took some great advice and have been applying to police admin/evidence control positions to get my foot in the door.  I also have a considerable background in admin support, so I bet I'd actually enjoy these positions!
  • And finally, the most recent advice I've taken to heart is "be willing to get your lab experience elsewhere."  In other words, I need to learn a bit more patience because landing a dream job generally doesn't happen at the beginning of a career.  To that end, I've been applying for entry level lab tech positions in the non-forensic science private and public sector.

Yes, the search is exhausting, disheartening, and at times a little humbling, but we should never give up!  Thanks for reading and I wish you all the very best.

Kelly Price
Kelly R. Price
Former Firearms/Toolmarks Intern
FBI Laboratory Division
NC SBI Crime Lab

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