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Seeking FA/TM Examiner Position in Northern VA / Washington, DC Area

Started by Kristina Cheung, September 09, 2012, 07:45:01 PM

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Kristina Cheung

Dear Sir or Ma'am:

         Hello, my name is Kristina Goodson and I am seeking a firearm and toolmark position in the Northern VA / Washington, DC area. My fiancĂ© recently moved to that area and I am looking for employment to be able to join him. I currently work for the Texas Department of Public Safety Crime Laboratory in the firearms and toolmarks section. I completed the training program in July 2012 and have been working supervised casework since then; completing approximately 15 firearms cases as of September 2012.

         I graduated from Defiance College, with a Bachelor's of Science in Forensic Science, in May 2010. During college I completed three internships in Ohio; the Mentor Police Department, the Toledo Crime Laboratory, and the Lake County Crime Laboratory. My experience at the Toledo Crime Laboratory, during the summer of 2009, was predominately with a firearms examiner and is where my knowledge of the field began.

         I have attached my resume in case you would like to view it. I can be contacted by replying to this post or by using the contact information on my resume. Additional contact information as well as additional information can be provided upon request. I appreciate any help that you may have to offer.


Kristina Goodson

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